Baby Andrew | Naval Aviation Museum Adventure | Pensacola, FL

I have an affinity with military families. Maybe it’s because my own brother is a Captain in the Army. Maybe it’s because my best friend is the wife of a Marine. Maybe it's because I have so many officer friends who are like family. All I know is when I book a photo shoot with someone who is involved with the military, the photos I capture always make my heart smile. I recently took a trip to Pensacola, FL, to shoot one of the cutest babies I have ever laid my eyes on. Baby Andrew is incredibly sweet and bubbly. His dad, Austin, is a Marine, training to get his wings this summer and his mom, Sabrina, is a full-time, loving mother, taking online courses for her Bachelor's degree. It was fascinating to walk through the Naval Aviation Museum, to see all of the great planes and helicopters, and to watch Andrew's eyes light up while Austin pointed things out to him. My favorite shot is of Andrew on the wing of one of the planes. There was so much laughter and smiling… I’m truly thankful for days like these.

Happy Birthday Andrew,

xx Sam